For Vinny, connecting with other people has been hard due to a difficult experience he had, but gaming has helped as he told us in his request:
I am a disabled Veteran, I am unable to work in the field pertaining to me military MOS due to my disability. A hobby that I picked up after my discharge was gaming, it was something I was finally able to enjoy and was good at since I was no longer able to partake in physically demanding recreational activities. It also helped improve my mental health tremendously, from the social aspect to just giving me something to enjoy. I witnessed a comrade committed suicide, so I have a hard time becoming close and opening up to people in person but I found I was able to do so in the online space with the people I came with. This kept me from completely isolating myself which probably would have lead me down the path of self harm. Gaming has been instrumental to my quality of life since my discharge, however with my inability to work in the jobs that would pay me the most I cannot afford a new console and my old Xbox isn't really running too well these days especially on the next generation titles that my friends love. This supply would be a life saver to me, as it would go to support the hobby that kept me from the dark path I was on after my discharge. I thank you for your consideration.
Isolating is something many of us Veterans do after all that we've experienced, which is not great for our mental health. Humans are social beings and need that sense of camaraderie and friendship to survive for the most part. In Vinny's case, gaming has acted as a vehicle to connect with others.
I just wanted to say thank you guys so much for this, you have no idea how happy and grateful I am! Let me know if this picture is good enough, I took it after I opened it and wasn't expecting to be this crazy!
Thanks, Vinny! We are glad we could help!
CountryGrit sponsored Vinny's Supply Crate. CountryGrit has been a great supporter of ours. We think he's someone you should check out on his Twitch channel.
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