Start your Wednesday off right with a Supply Crate update. If you have already started your day, then we hope it is going well for you. Whatever kind of job you're working, we want you to know that you are worth it. Today and every day.
Disabled Veteran Wayne sent in a request for a console and some games for him and his kids. He sent us the following note when he applied:
So I am a disabled Veteran, I have 5 kids and my lovely wife. Honestly I came over here because prior to using you guys I was on games to grunts but read how they treated the owner of Stack-up and wanted no part of that. It is hard to keep my kids happy with having 5 of them. I work full time but my wife does not, so money is always tight. It is hard to give the kids the luxury stuff when getting by is the main priority.
If you are not aware of how Stack Up formed, our Executive Director was once part of OSD and had some differences over the execution of the mission. Stephen was ousted and decided to start anew with Stack Up because he believes in the mission. It was years ago, and if you have been following us, you know we're doing amazingly well. Our Supply Crate updates are plenty of evidence of all we do to serve our troops through gaming.
Now back to focusing on our recipient, Wayne. We packed up Wayne's crate during our Hundred Heroes pack out. After he received his crate, he sent us a reply:
Thank you so very much for the games, this will be a massive Christmas for my children and I. You guys are the very best. From this Veteran to all of you, THANK YOU!
Thank you, Wayne. We're glad you came to us for some games, and we hope your family enjoys them.
BTU_Sinjin sponsored Wayne's, Supply Crate. Thanks for answering the Call to Arms.
Thinking about what you could do to help Stack Up and power our mission of supporting Veteran and Active Duty Military mental health through gaming? Hit the button below to find out how you can be part of our mission.