May 19, 2016 / 10:58 PM / Oyster Bay, NY
There are so many unique and diverse ways that The Stacks get out to Stack Up in their hometowns. This past Thursday evening/Friday morning the Queens NY Stack got their science on by supporting and participating in the Cornell Extensions HorseShoe Crab Census.

Its stated goals “are to annually monitor spawning horseshoe crabs at various beaches throughout Long Island so that we can gain a better understanding of their abundance and distribution in the New York Marine District”
As the Queens Stack headed out to collect the scientific data they were after, they were joined by several students from Jericho High School as this was part of their science curriculum. There are also Trained site coordinators present to teach people on how to help with the survey.

The group spotted more than 250 crabs — a large number for so early in the season — including one that had been tagged last year. They also spotted a starfish. No sharks, thankfully.

Some of the data collected included information on spawning abundance, size, and sex. All of this will be used by the NYS DEC to “assess the status of horseshoe crabs in the New York marine district and assist with the management and conservation of this important species.”
Considering the early date, this was a hugely successful census. Of course, this is an ongoing project and the Queens Stack is looking forward to the next count.
The Cornell Cooperative Extension’s Marine Program have created a full website dedicated to the project located at this LINK. If you would like to join in and Stack Up in New York or your neighborhood you can find more information on The Stacks program here!