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The Stacks – Queens Stacks Up for VR with Microsoft!

Writer's picture: Stack UpStack Up

On Sunday, March 26th the Queens chapter of The Stacks headed out to the Huntington, Long Island, Microsoft Store for a look at the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive.


The store provided a table for the Stack, so we could hand out information cards and spread the word about Stack-Up. At the same time, the store had an Oculus Rift demo for all comers, so as to attract more foot traffic.

Wladyslaw Labuda, a filmmaker from Poland came to help, and took footage of the event for what we hope will be an informational video about the Queens Stack.

This was the Queens Stack’s second event at the Microsoft store. Plans haven’t been firmed yet, but the Microsoft store staff and the Queens Stack are working to organize an event in April.

If you would like to get involved and are in the New York area hit up the Queens Stack HERE! Not in the area, no worries we have chapters of The Stacks all over the country, hit this LINK to find out more and Stack-Up in your town today with The Stacks!


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