What is the Stream Team?
The Stack Up Stream Team comprises a group of streamers who act as representatives of Stack Up through our Twitch channel. Some people's first contact with Stack Up comes through watching this excellent group of streamers as they game. As such, they are well-informed about Stack Up and our programs and often serve as a liaison to audiences, answering any questions they may have.
A Thank You to our Stream Team volunteers,
It's volunteer week, and I, JonsAtWar, get to talk about a wonderful program we have; the Stack Up Stream Team. The stream team is comprised of a group of amazing volunteers who donate some of their time each week to stream on our official Twitch channel. Our volunteers help raise awareness about Stack Up while entertaining viewers through gaming and other activities.
I want to give a huge shout-out and thank you to all our volunteers. Volunteers such as Ogr3Magi, JynxieRose, Brhino4Vets, RogueStryder, CosmicSave, Joesspace, GalliCat, GeneralMaduzia, Jester_1775, MissStarAholic, and so many more. Without them, our program wouldn't be nearly successful.
- JonsAtWar
Thanks also go to JonsAtWar, who works relentlessly to find the best people for our Stream Team and ensure that we have streamers that care about Stack Up. As a Stream Lead, we are fortunate to have him on our team. He is one of, not to be cliché, but, the "pillars of our community." Thank you for caring so much about Stack Up, our mission, and our community.
Our stream team is the dream team. Thank you to everyone who makes watching the Stack Up Twitch channel a pleasure to watch.
- Stack Up
Want to join our Stream Team?
Streamers, if you are willing to volunteer your time streaming at least 2 hours a week for us, the Stream Team application is pretty easy to fill out. You can find the application at the bottom of the page here.