The weekly Bored Room meeting for the week of September 13th, 2017!
Friday the 13th CONFIRMED
Next weekend, Global Game Jam/CrashFam, One Gamers Fund
TwitchCon 10×10 problems
INTERNS, both online and physical
Twitch HQ out, working on other events for Veterans Day
Call to Arms 58 days. (Big Push right now, carrying momentum into the event)
Coming out of PAX West -updates
Twitch Channel
Quads Sunday BBQ
PAX West AA Video
PAX West More Content Coming – Lots of Great interviews and hands on previews incoming!
Twitch Con Contest – Vets Only
Destiny 2 Raid
Clan features fully fleshed out for Bungie now in-game
ID Destiny players in meeting.
Working on day before meet ups for TwitchCon and PAX South.
Stacks plans for C2A in November had a meeting on 8/26 and only one of you has responded to indicate what you will be doing. This is an all-hands on deck weekend! We need to know the following!
Do you intend to stream?
Are you available to monitor the C2A Discord & stream hop?
Will you be volunteering with a local veterans group over the weekend? If not, then what are your fundraising plans?
Sign-up sheet: Meeting notes are posted in the recorded meetings channel on the Stack leadership server. Questions that were asked during the meeting have been answered in that doc. See me if you need help with this!
I am still working on getting everyone their new info. Cards.
TWITCHCON!!! Looking forward to seeing everyone again and meeting some new peeps too! If you are attending and would like to volunteer at our booth for any part of the weekend please sign up here and make sure to indicate when you are available.
New #volunteer_ops channel on Stack leadership Discord will be utilized when HQ is made aware of opportunities for you to get involved in. It is NOT a replacement for you to go out on your own and find opportunities locally.